About Liège

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Liège : city and surroundings

Land of stone and water, valleys and rivers, the Province of Liège has it all – except the sea !
From the Fagnes marshland to the Hesbaye plateau, each individual region takes on its own nuances. While tender greens adorn the lovely ups and downs of the Condroz hills, it is the emerald green of the Ardennes forest that dominates over a quarter of the province's land area. In the east, the dominant beech groves and stands of pine give way on the high plateaux to the ochre of the Fagnes. To the North West, the golden fields of corn suffuse Hesbaye in a yellow glow.
Land of thousand colours, the face of the Province of Liège is constantly changing, from exuberance of summer colours to the melancholy of the landscape draped in snowflakes.

Province of Liège is also a land of art and history, crossroads for civilisations of every kind. With its castles, watchtowers, ramparts and citadels, the Province of Liège is strewn with witnesses to its tumultuous history.

Beautiful by day the Province de Liège is transformed by night. Visitors can literally get carried away with the nightlife and concerts. The Liège region, situated as it is in the heart of Europe, is also a favourite destination for the world of business and sciences.

Discovering Belgium

How to join Liège : click here to view a map of Liège

Liège : http://www.liege.be/cadreslg/cadwelco.htm
Wallonia and Brussels : http://www.opt.be/accueil/en/index.html
Flanders and Brussels : http://www.visitflanders.com


There are many restaurants in Liège. Check out on www.resto.be to find the right one for you.

Some recommended restaurants:

Belgian cooking
As Ouhes : http://sites.resto.com/a/asouhes/default.cfm

French cooking

Le Bruit Qui Court : http://www.bruitquicourt.be
Le Nuns : http://www.nuns.be
La Table d'Upignac : http://www.latabledupignac.be
Le Bar à Goûts : http://www.lebaragouts.be
L' Héliport : http://www.restaurantheliport.be
L' Ecailler : http://www.lecailler.be

Asian cooking

La Cité Du Dragon : http://www.citedudragon.be

Italian cooking

L'Enoteca : http://www.enoteca.be